Training your dog to be a disc dog champ takes time and patience. A lot depends on the natural drive that your dog has. We have seen almost every breed under the sun be able to catch frisbees. Herding dogs tend to be very smart and very high drive, so you will see a lot of Border Collies, Cattle Dogs, Australian Shepherds etc - but everything from Labs to corgis can get it done on the disc dog field. If your dog will chase, and better yet retrieve a ball or toy, there is a really good chance you can get them to chase and catch discs. Starting with the basics and keeping consistent with practice and time on the field will give you results! If you want to get into disc doggin' the best way is to come out to some KCDD events and play dates and see how we do it firsthand. We love to help people with their dogs (and their own disc throwing skills, which are super important as well). In the meantime search Youtube for some great videos on how to get your dog started.